Homefront the revolution characters
Homefront the revolution characters

The United Nations remains helpless as the world is controlled by APEX technology, Russian-owned oil, and Chinese manufacturing. North Korea is under the rule of a Mega-Corp that produces the world's highest demanding technology, which are chipped and secretly monitored from North Korea, and successfully conquered America by simply turning off the U.S. combined with the subprime mortgage crisis, and forcing the nation to enacting a state of emergency and suspending the 2016 Presidential Elections. Riyadh was nuked by a smuggled Iranian nuclear bomb, which lead to absolute unrest in the U.S. The 2003 invasion of Iraq exacerbated with almost the entire Middle East against the United States.

  • Crapsack World: More or less than in Homefront.
  • They are also equipped with enough nerve gas to kill everyone in Philadelphia.
  • Cool Airship: KPA airships patrol Philadelphia's skylines and will trigger waves of ground attackers on you if detected by their spotlights.
  • Continuity Reboot: Although described by many as a sequel to the original game, the developers have stated that it's actually a reboot.
  • James Crawford, the Resistance mole posing as a collaborator, turns out to be one the entire time.
  • This can be attributed to how the Koreans were offering a tempting opportunity to impoverished and disillusioned Americans.
  • Les Collaborateurs: Mayor Simpson is the most prominent example of Americans that sided with the Koreans.
  • China & Korea Takes Over The World: In this continuity, North Korea and China established a major economic partnership that allowed them to dominate the international market.
  • Boss in Mook's Clothing: Goliath automated heavy drones only appear a few times in the entire game, and are by far the toughest enemy units you can encounter.
  • homefront the revolution characters

    But Brady dies for allowing this to happen.

  • In the Beyond the Walls DLC, the Resistance are given another chance to liberate America with the help of NATO, who have decided to launch an invasion force against the KPA-occupied America.
  • homefront the revolution characters

    But many of your allies are dead (Heather & Dana) or have abandoned you (Sam & Crawford).

  • The Resistance succeed in liberating Philadelphia and saving it from being gassed by the KPA.
  • Just as they are planning to make a last stand, the Resistance receive a radio message about NATO planning to attack the KPA.
  • Back from the Brink: The Beyond the Walls DLC begins with the Resistance being utterly routed by the KPA and losing control of Philadelphia.
  • Sidney Cook, the lazy quartermaster, becomes Parrish's Number Two in the Aftermath DLC and actively helps Brady in rescuing Ben Walker.
  • Ascended Extra: Benjamin Walker from Homefront: The Voice of Freedom becomes a central figure in the Resistance.
  • And the Adventure Continues: The war between NATO and KPA has just began by the end of Beyond the Walls.
  • Like in the original game, NATO finally decide to declare war on North Korea and launch an invasion force to liberate America, though it wouldn't happen without the efforts of the American Resistance to dismantle APEX's network through the use of missiles that the Resistance has to recapture.
  • America Saves the Day: In Beyond the Walls.
  • The Beyond the Walls DLC begins with the Resistance making a fighting retreat from Philadelphia as the KPA attacked their base.
  • #Homefront the revolution characters series#

  • All Your Base Are Belong to Us: After Crawford's treachery was revealed, the KPA launched a series of assaults on Resistance outposts and almost wiping out the Resistance.
  • homefront the revolution characters

    John McCain won the 2008 Presidential Elections and refused to back down America's military commitment in the Middle East. into further interventions in almost the entire Middle East including Iran, Syria, and Egypt.

  • The War on Terror went out of hand as the 2003 invasion of Iraq (which the country was militarily supported by the Soviets) brought the U.S.
  • homefront the revolution characters

    Corporations like Google, Apple, and Microsoft also don't exist as well as in this continuity the APEX Corporation took its place instead.

  • The existence of APEX Corporation, a Mega-Corp that became the aforementioned corporatocracy that ruled North Korea, basically negates America's leading computer and network technology, including the existence of Silicon Valley in San Francisco, with Ryesong River's "Silicon River" taking the place instead.
  • The Soviet Union is still alive and kicking in the 21st century after they became the first nation to land on the moon and controlling much of the Middle East's oil reserves.
  • South Korea itself wasn't integrated or annexed unlike Homefront, but became a peaceful ally with North Korea in 1997.

  • Homefront the revolution characters